In Memory of






Condolence From: Scott Brown
Condolence: Dear Stewart and Family, Stewart was a life long friend to me. Whenever we spoke we simply started where we left off. His talks always led back to his family roots, mom, dad, siblings, and nieces and nephews. Always mentioning "home" which is where he felt loved all his life and was at piece with himself. We took many trips together, I always wanted to take another trip with Stewart to see the stock car races in Syracuse but never got around to it. He mentored me when I was young and upcoming in the profession of billiards. He would not let me play against anyone until he felt I was ready. Stewart was one of the smartest guys I ever knew. He knew about lots of things in detail. I used to be able to ask him almost anything and he knew about it. I admired this. Lastly, I want to thank him for encouraging me to have a child with the love of my life Linda Brown. In a trip some years ago, he had been talking about the fact that I did not want to have any more children yet Linda and I had never had a child together. He told me on the day he left and I quote "you are being selfish and should give her a child". Shortly thereafter I told Linda it was okay and now we have this beautiful 13 year old boy Hunter because of a short and pointed statement that my friend Stewart said to me. It was unlike Stewart to offer his opinion unsolicited and surprised me. Fortunately I did thank him for this on a few occasions so nothing went unsaid about that. So Stewart, so long old friend! I hope piece comes to all your family in knowing that as a man you went through this world and left it a better place. The impact you made on my life is a positive one and I am thankful for it. Just as Stewart would say "that's one for the whitehats!".
Friday July 11, 2014